iPhone in Switzerland - Apple officially launched the iPhone in Switzerland this month. It is sold out already here, so Swiss fans have to wait up to two weeks to get their devices.I do not. Because I am a business journalist covering telecommunications, I got a test iPhone for one month.I thought it could be fun to compare a cult product such as the iPhone with another hightech device, my implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD):
Weight: 75g (ICD); 133g (iPhone)
Battery life: 5 to 7 years (ICD); 5 hours 33 minutes (iPhone)
Storage: 128 Kilobytes of RAM for telemetry (ICD); 8 or 16 Gigabyte hard drive (iPhone)
Price: 60.000 Swiss francs (ICD); 99 to 619 Swiss francs depending on subscription (iPhone)
Fun factor: electrifying (ICD), addictive (iPhone)
3:2 for the iPhone